Friday, April 8, 2011

Where do rednecks & fellow white trash cool their britches in the scorching, upcoming summer months?

You should of guessed that! Wasn't it obvious? A pick-up truck really does serve multiple purposes. I'd surely be lost without mine. Can't seperate a man from his prized steed.
What you want to do to recreate one of these dependable sources of relaxation during the summer is collect the following items:
Pick-up truck, a large tarp (or anything that will prevent the water from leaking through and rusting up your truck bed), water source (preferably your neighbor's water hose so you don't ring up your own water bill),
lawn chairs to put in there (optional), beer (not optional).
Now fill her up & get to relaxing. Perfect for family gatherings. Put on the bbq and get ready to relax in the luxury of the back of your own vehicle and soak up the summer sun. Don't forget to remove your wife beater if you want to get rid of those nasty tan lines my wife says she hates.  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dear Lord, bring back the rat tail.

One of the most highly discriminated hairstyles of (possibly) all time needs to make a comeback AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I sure miss mine. I miss waking up, cracking a beer, sitting in my favorite rocking chair and putting my rat tail over my shoulder. Enjoying the morning. Me.. and my rat tail.
What a woman can't do for ya, a rat tail can... or a blow-up doll.
It makes you look like you put effort into yourself, growing that damned thing long for years and keeping the rest of your hair short and tidy. It actually isn't the lowest maintence hair cut, so how it got a hillbilly reputation, we may never know. If only one of them Jersey Shore kids had a rat tail, all them kids these days would have one instead of the whatchacallit.."blowout"?
We need a rat tail spokesperson. Someone to lead the rat pack with an amazing rat tail. Afterall, the rat tail and the mullet are the only hairstyles that truley belong to rednecks & hillbillies nationwide. It says "i'm here, i gotta beer.. and i don't give a fuck."
One small step for the rat tail, one HUGE step for mankind.
Now it don't need to be nothing fancy like that there one above. Although that is quite an ideal display of this amazing hairstyle..a masterpiece if i do say so myself. But you just need something nice, simple, short or long. Wavy, braided, beaded, curly or straight. We just love the rat tails and we hope you do too. May you make a comeback rat tail and live long. Amen.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Family gathering.. for what? We don't know.

I almost thought that guys shirt said "ASS LICKIN". How much cooler would that of been? Oh, and nice ICP tattoo little girl.

Dear both movie fans & fans of the white trash lifestyle,

Check out this list.. then um... i guess you must not have netflix.. so uh... see if your friends have it on VHS??..


We promise great things to you here. If you would like to contribute with your own photo's/quotes/whatever you think would be interesting and suitable for here, feel free to email us at
The only rules here,
1) No nudity. Please censor your pictures appropriately.. and yourself.
2) No license plate numbers..
3) No identity revealers at all, in fact. That means, if there's any face pictures, please censor the eyes or blur the face.
4) If you would like credit (your facebook link or email along with whatever you send, should we post it) MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE IT. If the email does not, we can edit the entry. Otherwise don't get your britches in a bundle over it if you didn't bother to include it.
5) THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL: Have fun. Don't take this too seriously and try not to take offence. It's all in good fun.

This will be edited in the future to add any updates and links as you may need them.

Now, let's have a rip-roaring good time ya'll.