Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dear Lord, bring back the rat tail.

One of the most highly discriminated hairstyles of (possibly) all time needs to make a comeback AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I sure miss mine. I miss waking up, cracking a beer, sitting in my favorite rocking chair and putting my rat tail over my shoulder. Enjoying the morning. Me.. and my rat tail.
What a woman can't do for ya, a rat tail can... or a blow-up doll.
It makes you look like you put effort into yourself, growing that damned thing long for years and keeping the rest of your hair short and tidy. It actually isn't the lowest maintence hair cut, so how it got a hillbilly reputation, we may never know. If only one of them Jersey Shore kids had a rat tail, all them kids these days would have one instead of the whatchacallit.."blowout"?
We need a rat tail spokesperson. Someone to lead the rat pack with an amazing rat tail. Afterall, the rat tail and the mullet are the only hairstyles that truley belong to rednecks & hillbillies nationwide. It says "i'm here, i gotta beer.. and i don't give a fuck."
One small step for the rat tail, one HUGE step for mankind.
Now it don't need to be nothing fancy like that there one above. Although that is quite an ideal display of this amazing hairstyle..a masterpiece if i do say so myself. But you just need something nice, simple, short or long. Wavy, braided, beaded, curly or straight. We just love the rat tails and we hope you do too. May you make a comeback rat tail and live long. Amen.

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